If you believe that the information given in your PDF guide is irrelevant due to incorrect birth data provided, please contact our support team at astroline.app@support-team.app. They will be happy to help you resolve this issue.
I’ve provided incorrect birth data and got a guide with irrelevant advice
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Advices and answers from the Astroline Support Team
Subscription management
- I cannot find my subscription in the App Store/Google Play to cancel it
- Does my subscription automatically renew?
- How do I reactivate my web subscription if I’ve canceled it?
- How do I cancel my Astroline subscription?
- How do I change my web subscription plan?
- I’ve canceled my subscription, but I still get charged
- My child subscribed without my permission
- Why was I charged during a trial?
Refunds assistance
How to
Account Management
Advisor Communication
Customer Support